Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bedbugs XXI

Bedbugs XXI

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for last week's Bedbugs.

How many heads’ thoughts are going to get in
our way? A bat with nails in it would only
irritate them. Mumbling bowling pins
separating them from their dreams, downbeat
flatearthers gather wherever they hear there’s
a line they can stand in. Apple brats, several raining
and misty all week is a gibberish excuse. Won't cover
the tattoo on your head that shouts "lonely."
Smiled in the back of the European shop, went out and
watched as the clouds race and the sun set in fast-motion.
He writes in his journal all the thoughts, feelings,
impressions off how many hallways we have to
be found hiding in before we snap out of it
and get life done. At parties traveled best
smile was rented for the occasion, the energy dead
center and now has leaked all over the backseat. Out
of time, confidence, and excuses, in the middle of town.

Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-ashes rubbed on the walls
-waiting for all of it to come to him
-tattooed on the inside
-screaming after rehab
-out of turn
-filed their metal plates up North
-speaking better than doing somehow.

-Adam Barnick.

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