Monday, May 25, 2009


I wish
you found peace
in the things
that I



Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

Can you breathe?? Do you still want to?
What will you give it up for? Sights, sounds of
ambition at the bottom of an oily pool is where I usually
end up after one note sustained carries me up
but just for a bit! Focus..we'd all pay for it if it
was sold. Euphoric on the anniversary of creativity
emerging like a rash; despondent from it being
so many years since it was vibrant and pulsating.
The story will surface. Keep looking for it. It's you,
not the process or the result. Fix all of it. Someone
you don't know is upstairs. It's about time it all began
but turn off the age sign that's broadcasting in your head.
You'll pay and won't even realize it, three twins(?) are
smiling at me, like something out of the 40's, she is
out there, looking as well. Someone who will make you
forget, happily, who you thought was the best you could
find given circumstances you were told to make up.
Relax. Sunday blues are done, write the ending happy
if that's how you want it.

Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:

-who is listening besides the two of us
-stop looking back
-enjoyable cast lined up
-did you hear that
-park on the right where it's safe
-lies of omission
-it got better today, tomorrow you'll notice


Monday, May 18, 2009

Bedbugs LXXXII

Bedbugs LXXXII

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

Embrace change and tell me what
you want, not need. Privately
or sung from rooftops premiering
in time for our lives to begin.
Getting darker out, but strangely warmer.
Tapping on the wall for another's actions
come into play at last before the
room was empty a minute ago, either
way we were left behind. Knowing
the way out, talk to this girl before
I do. Someone is trying to communicate.
They will leave the answers behind and eventually
compromising silence between
the sounds of a point being made
with no one to hear it. Seasons
flash by as I can see through the
fog and know that important things
will soon come to a close. Telling
branched and arthiritic, it's still progress
and kept fanning the flames of ambition
even when everyone in the neighborhood
knows the sun is setting. However, a new
smile will replace it.

Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:

-at the bottom of an oily pool
-one note sustained
-euphoric on the anniversary of
-it's about time it all began
-you'll pay and won't even realize it
-she is out there, looking as well
-write the ending happy, if that's how you want it


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angels and Demons by Frank Palmcoast


When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?


Our senior film critic is back and eager to sink his dentures into all things "Hollyweird." This week - Angels and Demons, the prequel to The DaVinci Code, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard.


Should be retitled, "Silence of the Lambs Meets Jesus"! This movie was waaaaay to long but don't wait too long to see it because it won't be in theaters that long. One might ask oneselves, is the book better than the picture but on the other hand would you prefer to die in a pool or in the ocean"? This flick deals with religion and I must say, it's godawful. Tom Hanks plays Professor Langdon with less passion than the scenery. This movie is a bad version of National Treasure with a Catholic twist.Before anyone gets there cassocks in a twist, since this movie takes place in the Vatican, I must confess I did not read the book. What's with the bags under Hank's eyes, perhaps he should consult with Joan Rivers and find out who are plastic surgeon is. I liked Tom's hair better in "Cast Away".The best part of this movie was watching the trailer of "The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3" and bathroom breaks during this movie are not only allowed but encouraged. The basic problem with this Angels and Demons is in order to get to the final forty minutes you have to endure the first ninety minutes and I consider that cruel and unusual punishment!
The Palmcoast is back!

Friday, May 15, 2009

SIN-E-FILE (Robert Altman)

Listening again to the late great Robert Altman's commentary track on his early masterpiece McCabe and Mrs. Miller (far and away my favorite Western), I realize I usually don't enjoy hearing the director talk about his own movie on the commentary track. Often he or she is either not forthcoming enough or can't help but sound totally pretentious.

There are exceptions. Coppola's are sometimes more entertaining than the film (Finnegan's Rainbow) and Scorsese's can almost pass for an objective film historian's. But Robert Altman's track on MaMM is absolutely fascinating and educational beyond measure. Unfortunately, he shares track time with the producer of the film, David Foster, who is incredibly self-aggrandizing and boring as hell. But luckily Altman has the majority of the time. Altman's tone lacks pretension and importance, he sounds just like a guy passing on information and ideas(and that's just what he is!). I want to share an interesting bit:

"The dialogue in these types of films, it seems to me, is part of the character of the actors and it's not the words that are important, it's not what words are said because that's too related to theater where you're trying to advance plot by the words. When you have close-ups of people and faces that you can push up right into the audience, it's just better that the words just come from the moment or from the actors themselves, I feel.

Some films are more "film-like" than others. If one reads this statement and thinks that Robert Altman doesn't respect the script or doesn't believe in "storytelling", that would be a misconception. It's just that Altman, like the other truly great film artists, tells the story with images and sound, which is what separates film from its brother (literature) and sister (theater) arts.

Do check out McCabe and Mrs. Miller if you haven't. And if you have, then I recommend you listen to the commentary. It's interesting and a lot of fun.

-Peter Rinaldi

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bedbugs LXXXI

Bedbugs LXXXI

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

I jump in head first and it's considered bravery. Never mind
there's sharp objects at the bottom, the newspapers will only
want to know of the initial actions. Trust what price is needed
to turn and consider the best actions when you will catch up,
don't worry. He doesn't want to see you in person ever again.
Thereby making the relationship modern. Meet in the air,
all of them will be there and for fuck's sake stop applying
so much thought! Keep it's not over for that one in the corner,
trying to understand the proper actions befitting an artist;
since when is there a fucking list to follow? I'm sure
glad it doesn't apply to me. Making the best of a handicap
is another phrase to describe my thinking. I would like to
have it make sense, before it's too late around these parts,
I think in fact I do understand it.

Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-premiering in time
-for another's actions came into play
-the room was empty a minute ago
-talk to this girl before I do
-seasons flash by
-branched and arthiritic, it's still progress
-a new smile will replace it


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Six Word Theater

Click here for the previous entry.

Inspired by the challenge of telling a story in six words,
I attempt to polish my skills by writing a six-word story
or phrase whenever I can.

Feel free to "continue the story" or start your own
in the comments.

Today's entry:

Tasted gunmetal.
Don't SNEEZ-


Monday, May 4, 2009

Bedbugs LXXX

Bedbugs LXXX

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

Are you ever going to stop doing this? Can't take
baffled at your level of comprehension at face value
to matter when we all show up and hope you're putting on
the real face, not the one you want people to see.
She waited for you until they left in disgust. Clouded head lets
a decade pass and then decides to take action,
when the world's left town. Knowing that theykeep
me out of the line of fire puts me in a place only for their approval.
You will say the lines I've given you, when it's your turn to
have a life, you can write it. I need her close to me
regardless of tension. That weight on my shoulder
is worth it even as things draw to a close. Who put rusted
texture on the wall behind me? I probably did during a
blackout, postoperative intention playing the field at last.
Back in the woods, I was told an old woman's voice can
be perceived, sounding like a record scratch..I can't be the
sole receipent -do you hear it too?

Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-jump in head first
-what price is needed to turn
-you will catch up, don't worry
-all of them will be there
-it's not over for that one in the corner
-making the best of a handicap
-in fact I do understand it
