Saturday, April 5, 2008

LEATHERHEADS by Frank Palmcoast

When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?

This week's victim: George Cloonery's Leatherheads


As Shakespear would say," Leatherheads or Knuckleheads" this is the question and this flick has a little of both! I ponder who are the targeted audiences for this movie; sports fans, history buffs, Clooney fans, comedy fans, I wonder. This is a sports, comedy and period piece. A film about the birth of football. Leatherheads probably has fewer dull moments than an actual NFL game.Clooney, Zellweger and Krasinski are ok. For me it's rather humorous that Renee Zellweger's characters name is Lexlie Littleton--what names! The witty banter between Clooney and Zellweger was reminiscent of Tracy and Hepburn.So far the above was the good news and now the bad news. Soon the DVD will be released. They should skip Blockbusters & Netflix and go straight to the Dollar Store and I bet you will want your dollar back.This movie moves slowly at times but it never really becomes dull or boring, so let's just say it's cute and mild. However I must say Randy Newman's ragtime music is great.Clooney in this football period piece goes for a touchdown and only scores a field goal.The movie ends with the two of them riding off into the sunset just like Roy and Dale!One of the main characters name is bullet and at times I wish I had one so I could put myself out of this misery!

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