Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still by Frank Palmcoast

When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?


Don't F**K UP Keanu Reeves! You don't mess with a CLASSIC! Our most distinguished reviewer remembers very clearly the 1951 seminal motion picture directed by Robert Wise. Let's see what Frank has to say about this remake ....


The Title of this movie should have been: The Day I Sat Still or The Day I Saw A Crap Movie or The Day The Earth Took My Money. To begin with I'm really tired of this broken family BS. The world may be coming to an end and some brat spoiled kid requires a good smack in the puss. Unfortunately the story died but the earth lived. The main alien meets another alien who has been on earth for 70 years and in 5 minutes he decides to rid earth of all humans. This remake really misses the elegance and intelligence of the earlier version and it just uses special effects and action to replace much needed dialog as in the original 1951 classic. This remake is just an action movie. If you saw the trailer of this movie you've already saw the best parts and don't spend your money at the movies. This so called remake is no more that two episodes of the Twilight Zone put together for the big screen at Dunkin Donuts. To tell you the truth all that was missing was Al Gore to come out and preach to us to eliminate all human life to save the planet.If you want to see a movie that destroys the original or if your an Al Gore whacko, this movie is for you. If this movie were bad, it would be better!


Peter Rinaldi said...

"If this movie were bad, it would be better!"
perhaps my favorite Palmcoast line ever.

Anonymous said...

How does Dunkin' Donuts fit into it?