Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bedbugs LXXV

Bedbugs LXXV

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

Corner turned whether I like it or not. Can’t go back and
hear that song again no matter how well you know
all the words. The bar rats are upset too but they’ll
move on to the next glass and burn it out of their

cerebellum. Mute since it started, now what? There was a
path you were on before this fractured. Why make a difference tonight?
Because someone has to. Understand that impression in the side
of the wall didn't come from violence. It was just a mistake, I bet.
Never gave me your note with answers on it like I asked. The
last one was just as fucking stupid. All of us would like to turn
the volume down and maybe rest and try to understand. Will we?
Can't tell, last call is always in an hour. I should escape for
at least one month. Go where I'm the only ghost.
What color I found under it doesn't matter but the
bartender, who I pretend has an eye for me, knows
I need to hear on Earth "there is no scarcity here."

Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:

-my ride should have been here by now
-break me gently
-animals don't look like that
-noise upstairs constantly
-go for a walk again until the scraping stops
-miss me
-talk it over with someone who cares

25 chapters left in Bedbugs' second (and probably final) cycle..

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