Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bedbugs LXXVI

Bedbugs LXXVI

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for the previous Bedbugs.

I'm ready, I think. Greater men have endured far more. How
can we face our fathers with our weakness? My ride should
have been here by now. The bartender whispers at me to
'break me gently' but I probably made that up. Get home,
wake up, painkiller it till you feel like someone who'd
enjoy 9 to 5. Animals don't look like that is a random
opening thought. Where did that come from? I will
find a way to turn the clock back farther than any
man has dared to attempt. If you're crazy, get out of
my way. Only room for one maniac in my head, and he's
been there for 3 decades and a little bit of change.
Noise upstairs constantly doesn't help, real or imagined.
Go for a walk again until the scraping stops or
I'll kill whoever it is. M
iss me, I've whispered constantly
to passersby. It will eventually catch with someone.
I finally get the splinter out of my foot, it looks like a
phonograph needle.. My only hope is to talk it over
with someone who cares..

-Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-can't spell God right
-spine showing through your shirt
-her anger's always fear
-nausea every afternoon
-find what you sought tomorrow
-no secret to what I do
-frightening in a manner of speaking


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