Friday, November 7, 2008

The Boxpress Music Time Show with Brian Hughes

Show #14: BOB DYLAN - PART 2

"Series of Dreams"

"Ring Them Bells" LIVE :

If you think you might want to listen to some more of my podcasts - please click below:

Show#11: "ELVIS"


Peter Rinaldi said...

wow. i would've never looked into this Dylan work. thank you. loved those readings from that book as well. so cool.
more Dylan please!

Schwartzer said...

Hey Brian, very enjoyable!

Interesting readings about "Series of Dreams." I'm a big Dylan fan, and I never thought about that song in terms of its relevance to the artistic process. Makes a lot of sense though in terms of the sort of taoism of the lyrics, because I do think a lot of artists feel that their work is channeled best when their mind is uncluttered, and they are not "trying," and the art flows unrestricted from the unconscious mind. The stuff that is forced is never the good stuff... the free and clear, floating, dreaming mind creates the best work. David Lynch wrote a great book about this called "Catching the Big Fish," about transcendental meditation and art. I highly recommend it.

Starting with the late eighties, I think Dylan's best work has almost always been with Lanois. I actually think that that song in particular is a perfect fit lyrically for a collaboration with Lanois, because sonically his prouction is so ethereal and dreamlike.

Keep it up, great stuff... I'll be going back and listening to some other shows that I missed...