Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SIN-E-FILE (Bottle Rocket)

"I have the sin of the cinephile" - Jean Luc Godard

I will go to see a new Wes Anderson movie as soon as it comes out. They’re always inventive, wildly imaginative, and his attention to detail is worth the price of admission. I have never been terribly disappointed with any of them; in fact I have been extremely delighted by a few, like The Life Aquatic. But my heart is with the one that has the most heart, Bottle Rocket.

Whenever anyone asks me to recommend a comedy, I always say Bottle Rocket, not just because it is really funny, but because I think it is delightfully and refreshingly good natured. It is so rare to see a comedy that is about friends caring for each other, not just in the last moments of the third act, but all the way through. You really like these guys. Whenever anyone is made a fool, it is never for very long. For a comedy, this is something to be admired.

Seeing it again now (in the new Criterion release), I was expecting the Wilson brothers to show signs that it was their first film. But they didn’t. In fact, the particular style of humor on display here (extremely subtle, character based, grounded in reality) is very popular today but rarely performed this well, with this much adherence to character and circumstantial truth. This is what makes it so successful as a comedy.

Two unsung heroes that help make this happen are Robert Musgrave as Bob, and the third Wilson brother, Andrew, as Future Man. A great comedy needs a strong supporting cast. This is always true. How Anderson got everyone to perform on the same comic tonal level, on his first film, is remarkable.

Favorite moment: “Kumar, what were you doing in the freezer?!” It makes me laugh every time. Don’t know why. Maybe it’s the cut. This occurs a number of times in the film – something happens that is ambiguous, or actually confusing, and then it is cleared up after a cut. It is used to full comic effect here.

So glad this one got the Criterion treatment. Fans have been waiting for it. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor. It’s become a favorite of mine.

-Peter Rinaldi


Melissa King said...

So well written. I especially enjoyed reading it too because I've seen it - Thanks to you! Keep writing reviews! You are good.

Adam Barnick said...

What's interesting is, as you've pointed out in the past- many lines that might ring odd or average on paper are completely brung to life by the delivery. Dignan simply replying 'nah man, I just have short hair!' is hilarious. If I read it on a page I'd take it as ho-hum conversation.

Another fave touch was that the friends always referred to FutureMan as such, never his real name. Another oddball yet grounded in the real world touch.

Peter Rinaldi said...

Ya know - thank heavens it was cut out - there is a deleted scene with the three of them talking about why they call him future man.