Director Nick Gaglia's(who the BBF interviewed here
in July) disturbing drama Over the GW will make its
debut on DVD at November's end.
Now listed on Netflix!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Over the GW on DVD for rental/sale November 25!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The BBF Interview- Writer/Director Steve Balderson
the scene in 1999 with Pep Squad, a pitch-black
high school comedy that anticipated (and was later squashed
in its release due to) the rash of school shootings. After the
He followed it up with 2005’s Firecracker, an intensely layered
drama which Roger Ebert placed on his Best Films list of 2005.
At this time, tiring with the wait of years between funding coming
through for expansive projects, Balderson and his company
Returning to traditional narrative, Balderson took on
subject matter that is anything but traditional: An adaptation
of Dr. Joseph Suglia's cult novel WATCH OUT, due to premiere
at London's Raindance Film Festival in October (with a
sneak tour screening at the Coney Island Film Festival this
Saturday September 27).
who falls in love with himself, literally. He is attracted to
his own body, carries out an erotic relationship with a
blow-up doll that resembles him, and takes pleasure in rejecting
the advances of his many admirers. He descends into a world
of carnivorous priests and Prozac-popping Polish prostitutes
and eventually assassinates the world's most popular pop-diva.
"You strange creatures," Barrows declares, "you are
nothing more to Me than a meal at the fast-food
restaurant of life." But who will end up being devoured?
Watch Out-teaser trailer
Click here for Watch Out's website.
Click here for info on Watch Out's theatrical tour.
Watch Out trailer
Bedbugs LI
Bedbugs LI
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
I'm back in the town of the ruined building. The toxicity
in my head blocking success and truth
isn't leaking fast enough so I drill a hole to broaden the outflow.
I plan take a deep breath and take another step towards
wood's outskirts. Everyone else is home watching TV.
I'm on my own. Elsewhere, want him to find some peace,
hopefully before his mind and body give out. Maximising
sentiment, people drink and explain how they don't want to go
home tonight. Childish manners stapled on an adult.
It's obvious it's so poorly grafted. Sparks in my head, it's
thinking again. Which way to go? I walked off
my job to get here, guess I'm the only sane one. I miss how she
played with me. Where is she? I'd pray she's happy if I
found a point in it. Audible and unbearable are exposed
memories clinging to the poolside and gasping for breath.
Life purpose is face some fears. Tell others to do the same.
The music is coming from the North. Think it will take forever
to get to the building but I'm there in five minutes. Turn back?
Should- rip open the basement door and....
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-on a cold day in March
-as she throws sticks
-is the language of spies
-too deep under bridges
-green ribbons
-she wanted to be in the mountains
-What I forgot to say was..
Next week ends Bedbugs - Cycle one.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bedbugs L
Bedbugs L
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Wasted my time and my life. Her hourglass
is held together with tape and ill intentions
and the cycle is closing even faster with the
sand leaking out. How can leaving the company
and your company behind manage a miracle if you won't
even respond to a fucking phone call? Is this
anger a reflection of me or what you do to me?
Cut it open and take out the parts you want, that's always
been your 'righteous' plan, hasn't it? I will
leave you to decay if you're not careful. Crunching leaves
falling to me is a welcome boost because they're dying
faster than I am. I'm entitled to this festering
swirling rage as well as dark desires to step outside
the box and fuck whatever's on the other side. Melt into
my ideas and ambitions since mixing cells may be the only
way we can communicate at this point. Wasting
time with words thrown at you. Nothing would make
me happier than to sew this tapestry back together,
with you by my side. My heart- it's not on sale. It barely works.
Waste my time with many terrible strings of sentences burst forth
to a line that's already been hung up. I walk outisde and
leave the poison behind. I remember the music coming
from the basement of the ruined building. I will go to it. Only two more
in the cycle, it seems.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-take a deep breath and take another
-want him to find some peace
-childish manners stapled on an adult
-miss how she played
-audible and unbearable
-face some fears
-rip open the basement door and..
-Adam Barnick
Monday, September 15, 2008
RIGHTEOUS KILL by Frank Palmcoast
When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?
Pacino & Deniro hook up one more time since Heat! I would have named it, "No City For Old Men"! The flick is the same old stuff and the key word is old! Pacino is 68 and Deniro is 65 and what ever happened to the mandatory reirement age in the NYPD? They play detective partners for 30 years and they're like an old married couple. Both actors really look old and should now, at this stage, be behind the camera not in front of it! This married couple connect at the firing range and unlike old married, they still talk ---incessantly. Actually at the firing range the man target they are shooting act looks exactly like Deniro in the movie. But I found pleasure in watching these two faces I've seen for 40 years taske on roles they've aged past and do it with vigor---perhaps their last tango! Rapper 50 Cent plays a drug dealer, badly but Brian Dennehy who is also too old for this part, holds his own but really looks old! There was in this critics view too, too many fascial closeups. Parts of this flic were as empty as a peanut shell. Therefore most of the cast is in the AARP range. I figured out the surprise ending but Deniro and Pacino had excellent chemistry and they played off each other well. Two of America's finest actors and no matter how old they get, I hope they get together for another last hurrah and I suggest a comedy!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Bedbugs XLIX
Bedbugs XLIX
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Mastering the properties of various shaded and bleached
and blinded color buzzing in my ear while the life
I'm not supposed to live is trying to get in; the look of a
40's film star would suit my wife if I could tolerate one.
Upon the roof the meeting began. I'm there in spirit.
Who are they waiting for? Teethmarks in many of the
shoulders of past loves, once those fade I'll cease to
exist, moods to match all of our toxic states.
Short blond hair growing on the plant; doesn't make
any sense but my senses took a recreational hit resulting in
ten minutes of distraction and two days of lethargy.
Proper manners don't apply at this place. That night,
everyone walked out of the factory and never came back.
A better life's song lured them. They haven't altered enough
ears to hear it. In time.. For now, wait, take your
endless pills already. If it's all in your head, what good
is prescriptive happiness when we could get the real
thing, if we showed up and made a fucking effort.
Verbose doesn't equal intelligent. Matched by fury resulting
in action though almost resulted in an early demise.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-leaving the company and your company behind
-cut it open and take out the
-crunching leaves falling to me
-wasting time with words
-it's not on sale
-terrible string of sentences
-only two more in the cycle, it seems..
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Post 5am Post
Monday, September 8, 2008
TRANSSIBERIAN by Frank Palmcoast
This week ... Palmcoast offers up his opinion of Woody Harrelson's new flick Transsiberian.
Palmcoast had his Labor Day all planned; he was to spend the entire weekend on the beach, armed with his metal detector looking for rare coins and jewelry but then saw the advertisement for Woody Harrelson's new flick "Transsiberian" now that really created a difficult decision! You see, Palmcoast has a love/hate relation with Harrelson; loved him in the tv series Cheers but hated the character he played in "Natural Born Killers" I opted to see This foreign thriller and crime/gangster movie Transsiberian. This similar to Hitchcock flicks is all about an American couple traveling from Beijing to Moscow on the Transsiberian rail line. Harrelson plays his character well and so does Ben Kingsley who plays Grinko a Russian detective with a rather unusual dialect. Emily Mortimer plays his wife an is spectacular in her performance. The train destination is worth the journey. This certainly sends you back to the days and the thinking, don't talk to strangers. This is a good picture, with a great story which clearly stands out from the incredibly mediocre bunch of summer crap that Hollyweird produced for us. This appears to be a low cost, suspenseful flick that relies on the good story instead of Hollyweirds gimmicks and special effects. For those who love slow building and very interesting characters this picture goes by like a flash. This is about normal everyday people in extraordinary circumstances. Hitchcock would be proud!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Dems Da Brakes (Episode 8)
Minimalist situation comedy/radio play.
Episode 8 "Safety"
Samantha: Melissa King
George: Peter Rinaldi
The Upper West Side of Manhattan
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Bedbugs XLVIII
Bedbugs XLVIII
(better late than never)
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Why do I waste my time? A delay causes me, and you,
to need me to do your own job. Bootstraps holding up
planting future's seed was a smart idea. Metal
spreads out like water, two in the photo; I like
a bit of pain. Red hair, smiles, it can tell
which room you're in. Clattering noises on the wall
could be bad weather, or danger. It is the thing
that started that record that's playing in the basement,
listening to the same track continuously.
It took everyone in the classroom. Yellow on one side
only, the rest was thankfully hidden by smart shadows.
You can't face it. You can't stop it. Protect one of them.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-the look of a 40's film star
-teethmarks in many of
-moods to match
-proper manners don't apply at this place
-take your endless pills already
-verbose doesn't mean intelligent
-almost resulted in an early demise
-Adam B.