Bedbugs LXXIII
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for the previous Bedbugs.
I have failed. My pulse is my only consistent accomplishment
and one day I will screw that up as well, only once. Too
expensive to keep up in a manner that will remove context
for safety and leave all of us out in the cold, as lonely
as we truly are. Stop inventing gods and girlfriends
to keep you company. Enjoy the silence of present time.
The whole room is successful and you're off missing it
because you needed time to 'not feel nervous.'
They're fucking scared too! Deal with it! No point in pining
for the ideas of just one more time with her; no point.
she needs to grow up to a place where ambition tastes
fresher than I hoped when I woke up. How do I get back
to a positive square one? Knew I was awake in the first place.
Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:
-gave up Lent for Lent
-stalking anyone who will wait
-friends backstabbing friends
-metal texture that shines
-I will pick it up
-leaving all of us
-nature won this battle
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bedbugs LXXIII
Bedbugs LXXII
Bedbugs LXXII
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for the previous Bedbugs.
They took me here and left me. I can't think
my way out but I delude myself with drugs
to make me think I can perceive clearly. Take it off
slowly this time, knowing and getting turn it back eight
years so I can make all the right decisions.
I wait for me until I say it's safe! Somebody has to
change; it's quiet, snowing less here all the time.
Maybe tomorrow I can walk right out of the office,
the marraige, the fantasy. He squirms when I remind
him his life sucks. I can't perceive what's necessary
but they sure can scare me. They know where we live.
Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:
-too expensive to keep up
-remove context for safety
-the whole room is successful
-just one more time with her
-she needs to grow up
-tastes fresher than I hoped
-knew I was awake in the first place
Bedbugs LXXI
Bedbugs LXXI
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for the previous Bedbugs.
Awake. Before I remember what's happened
there is bliss. Then I remember I'm scared and
alone and behind on all things and the rattles
kick in. Before you were born I was two years away from
insanity. Doesn't help to tell that or know that or
perceive accurately I can't trust anyone. The tape is
completely blank, if you mean the one of accomplishments. It's
raining again but it will be brief. Dust is kicked up
on the porch and all heads are fractured in an
imperceptible easier to see when it's daylight knowing
I'm the only one looking. Lies of omission were her little
way out of saying 'it's my fault.' What to do the next day?
They made me this way is the world's other favorite. Help me know
warmth of friendship and we'll go from there, providing you
return a phone call. Don't challenge me on it.
Next chapter's seven phrases/groups of words:
-take it off slowly this time
-turn it back eight years
-wait for me until I say
-snowing less here than at home
-he squirms
-can't perceive what's necessary
-they know where we live
Thursday, March 26, 2009
'Aaron Bacon' teaser
The new film from Nick Gaglia, who we interviewed here about his
previous directorial effort, "Over the GW." Coming this
Spring; look for a BBF interview upon the film's release.
Inspired by the book, "Help At Any Cost" by Maia Szalavitz,
"Aaron Bacon" is based on the true story of a precocious kid
who dies at the hands of malpractice and abuse in a tough-love
wilderness drug-treatment program.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Six Word Theater
Click here for the previous entry.
Inspired by the challenge of telling a story in six words,
I attempt to polish my skills by telling a six-word story
or phrase whenever I can.
Feel free to "continue the story"
or start your own.
Today's entry:
His life story: Half a couple.
Monday, March 2, 2009
SIN-E-FILE (Gene Siskel)

It is really easy to be cynical about film critics in general and Siskel and Ebert in particular. They were (and I guess Ebert still is) the most famous ones when I was growing up, approaching perhaps celebrity status. Their attention tended to lean heavily toward Hollywood movies, but when I was a kid, there was nothing but Hollywood movies in my world, so Siskel and Ebert were the height of my high culture. When I was lucky enough to catch their show "At the Movies" (it seemed to be always in syndication, from day one, and therefore always moving) it was a great thrill for me. I really listened to them and took seriously their likes and dislikes. It was the only thing in my life that took movies seriously. I didn't even have friends that were serious about movies until I went to film school. Gene and Roger were my first film buddies.
This is why I always say that the loss of Gene Siskel is, to me, the saddest loss of anyone that I have not met. I really missed that guy, for a long time. Even though I was long out of film school, and as far from a Hollywood mindset as could be, when he died I was still enjoying him tremendously as a personality and a film lover.
I'll never forget when he named "Babe 2" the film of the year. What a crazy choice. For some reason it didn't make me loose respect for him, it made me think the guy had balls for choosing something that spoke to him, despite what others (even Ebert!) might think of such a radically un-"film-of-the-year"-like choice. He had lost that pretension. He was working from the gut.
What really got me was when he was in the hospital for the second or third time, and they went on with the show anyway. Gene phoned in his reviews and they played his voice and had pictures of him on the screen. Movies were that much a part of his life. It was really inspiring and sad because he never did make it back on the show for real.
I can't look back on my young film going life without thinking about Gene Siskel. In a large way, he and Ebert cultivated my early appreciation of films. I am eternally grateful and I remember fondly Gene Siskel.
-Peter Rinaldi