Friday, May 23, 2008

Bedbugs XXXIII

Bedbugs XXXIII

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for last week's Bedbugs.

Exhausted and ignoring the false betrayal he's been labeled with
over the phone manages to cause drones in single file to
move a little faster, but never out of turn. He leaves
the library which was covered in dust from lack of use
even though they'll never find him there. Battered metal
office furniture leaves sparkling cinder remnants that
can't be remembered or denied or experienced; unless you pay
for it, the tall man says. It had been a being. Possessing it for a
spell, he tongued the roof of its mouth and ran fingers through
its hair. The walls started to decay at a swift pace from the
rainfall and apathy. Time to abandon this place. Knowing
speaking out of turn is welcome at any time, though only
the foul weather will hear it. I won't even consider coming
back in five or a hundred years, sleeping one hundred hours
on a dying company's time. When we wake up, will the sun be
out? Doubtful but smiling; won’t even think of help. When you
get home and truly know me, you ask if it’s still in the woods.

Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-must be made right at all times
-they move when you're not looking
-fucking strangers
-through the second window
-I can see it!
-wasting other's time on Monday
-now that you know who I am



Liöüx said...

Remnants That Can't Be Remembered®™©™.

I would go see a band called this too.

Anonymous said...

kunkadoodledoo, I want to get rid of bed bugs too...

so what i did is to make a little research. am glad I did it now.