Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Post 5am Post

whenever i am still up past 5am i am going to do a new posting here on the post 5am post.

i am a night person. early to bedding creates guilt from "night wasting". sometimes i even get things done.

the other night i cleaned the whole apartment. tonight i watched a film. it's never enough though.

i enjoy a number of things more than sleep. even now, feeling weak and fatigued, i would like to find a second (or third) wind and perhaps organize my shelfing.

there is a noise i am hearing now. if i were in the country, this noise would frighten me. but here, in the city, whatever it could be is less worrisome than what is.

if people have a problem with children posing in alluring women poses, without "clothes" on, no one should consider that overreacting.

wright is right. if your god is white and he's a man, and you are a white man, then you are going to have a hard time feeling less than superior.

Zabriskie Point
tomorrow. Two or Three Things I know About Her next week.

i agreed to meet someone in a bar last night that didn't know what i looked like, nor i him. we were in there together for more than ten minutes without knowing it. this will never happen again in my life. i am certain. wonder what else is gone.

-peter rinaldi


Brian Hughes said...

I don't have a problem with the Cyrus picture, because I don't think it's "alluring." She's underage, and I wasn't aroused by the picture. Both she and Liebowitz talked about the picture and fully agreed on the picture - with Billy Ray there overseeing it. All I know is that this country goes haywire when it comes to the nude body. This country has to lighten up. If Miley were in a Scorsese movie and she appeared in a scene the same way in bed, with a sheet over her, it would be part of the scene and considered art. I don't see how this is any different. Also - the hard reality is that 15 year olds have lots and lots and lots of sex across this country. So, not to pretend to know the meaning of the picture, but you could say it reflects activities going on in our society. Plus - the other VF pictures were nice and wholesome - it's not like this was a huge sexual spread. America is soooooo uptight.... it's embarrassing. Even Jamie Lee Curtis made the papers recently because word got out that she was topless in a swimming pool at the age of 50 for an ARRP article. What? So she went topless - BIG FRIGGIN' DEAL. The whole thing is ridiculous. And Rev Wright is clearly out to make a name for himself because he was rejected by Obama - which I don't necessarily fault him for it - I think his reaction was a human reaction. He's going to milk this and get a big book deal out of it. And he might even be right about some of the things he says, but he's certainly milking his moment.

Anonymous said...

Would be interesting to analyze the city around that hour. Give it some thought. Is there a difference in the city around that time now as opposed to ten years ago?

Melissa King said...

I certainly agree that our culture is maybe a little over-dramatic when it comes to nudity and sex.

However, I do think that we have to remember that this is happening in the context of our culture where these things are viewed simply as "art". And because we are assessing this in our culture, even if a man does not become aroused by this photo, I think that it can influence the way he (or a person) thinks about a fifteen year old girl and what she represents.

In our culture, fifteen year old girls usually do not have the experience needed to handle being looked at in that way. Even if girls that age are having sex, it doesn't mean they know what they are doing, or that they're having sex for the right reasons. They are usually doing it because it's "cool," or because people will like them if they do. They are usually not doing it simply because they understand their body and emotional make up and are choosing to make a decision that is right for themselves.

Maybe pictures like this will affect fifteen year old girls far more than it will affect any man. Because they will recognize the power of their sexuality, but they will not know how to wield that power in a way that empowers them to make choices that respect their body, emotions and physical desire.

I know that I was affected this way when I was fifteen. I'm not every other girl, but I think a lot of other girls' behavior is influenced by media in this way as well.