This week Brian plays a cavalcade of new music from a variety of artists.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Boxpress "NEW" Music Time Show with Brian Hughes
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bedbugs XLVII
Bedbugs XLVII
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Kidding, cajoling, prodding and finally begging. Ask it why
you're here. Its mouth opens to reveal a huge eye,
staring right through you. Grey metal doors, bright red patch
of skin sewn onto the wall. When she runs out of stuff to
organize, there's nothing left but her and her toxic thoughts.
I wish I could help, but where do you think the infection
CAME from? No more patterns resembling insects
dancing across my skin like deficiency tattoos.
Clarity is earned; never bought. Running through the field
before the rain comes...It might be my last chance.
It's beautiful to watch through a screen door. Any experience
is. But that's not what we're built for. Thirty seven
repeated in each room on the living wallpaper that
alters, depending on who's looking. The child
walked in, took one look and screamed. Scrawled in
an expensive tome are his and the world's secrets.
Nobody is ready for them. You're about wasting time
and timing time, never making it. Brand me with
your ideas across my leg; just sterilize the metal
first, lest you catch something from ME. "Nobody
reads it so why spend so long.." In my head she
cuts me off with a kiss. It was worth
the distraction it brought. Professional victims
need not apply.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-need me to do your own job
-planting future's seed was a smart idea
-I like a bit of pain
-it can tell which room you're in
-listening to the same track
-yellow on one side only
-protect one of them
-Adam Barnick
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Boxpress Music Time Show with Brian Hughes
If you think you might want to listen to some more of my podcasts - please click below:
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bedbugs XLVI
Bedbugs XLVI
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Too many helpless and hopeless gathered around a plastic symbol
gilded with fake gold that they were told was important; the head
admirer was wrenched out of the muscle portion of his leg
in the process of wasting time in thinking it was vital
or even real. When he gets back home he'll make sure
his housemates know their place and sewn lips shut,
as not to cause dissent in the color of the texture
of whatever you're thinking. Who said you could think
it out of your system? Riots of ideas will bring the suburban
malaise, the deadliest of viruses, into your mind and
bank account. No matter which type dialogue
between you and the color. Inside the best kinds of
circuitry, you still have to face up the repeated
tally of oak's knowing glances from across a space
consisting of air, dead ideas and intentions gone
sour because you left them out in the heat.
Sit down and answer the question, please, before
you fall down. I'm even stuck in a loop of rebellion
against supposed smothering authorities; is that a
type of trap? My body buys a paper on 18th street,
snapping back to the agreed-upon slightly grimy
universe of here and now. I should be somewhere else.
Repeating what you just said.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-bright red patch of skin
-no more patterns resembling insects
-thirty-seven repeated in each room
-scrawled in an expensive tome
-wasting waste and timing time
-nobody reads it so why spend so long
-professional victims need not apply
The BBF- A Tin Cup Joint
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dems Da Brakes (Episode 7)
Minimalist situation comedy/radio play.
Episode 7 "Hippo99"
Samantha: Melissa King
George: Peter Rinaldi
The Upper West Side of Manhattan
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Better Living Through Absurdity
So this weekend is the air show here in Chicago. I hate the air show. Why? Because first of all, without warning, the skies are suddenly filled with the maddening screams of death machines, all pointy and aerodynamic and probably ergonomic too now that I think about it, and they're screeching overhead, showing off, flipping the flips and looping the loops and it's ear-piercing and it's like being under attack and personally I don't see the point or charm in having a show that's dedicated to these machines which are capable of causing mass amounts of destruction from up above. It's noisy and undignified.
Give me a gun show any day of the week.
Anyways, there's no point to that except that some planes just flew overhead and all these people in the park across the street ducked...I almost did the same thing earlier -but I remembered reading something about not showing your fear and keeping still. If keeping still will stop a T-Rex from spotting me, then it should also stop a fighter jet. Right? Right?!
So I ended up going back to my old Livejournal which I kept from 2002 to 2007. I re-read large portions of it -and man, did I relive some really messed up shit. I really wish I'd just left well enough alone. But as if the cosmos wanted to apologize for the stumbling, catatonic walk down that excrement-laden, barbed wire puke pit we call memory lane, I came across this posting I had made regarding an internet convo with some guy who used to repeatedly harass me on IM...and of course, I couldn't resist sharing it with you!
Warning: I am more than a bit of a bitch here...but this guy used to bother me all the time and under several screen, somewhat justified!
sam_black64: hello
dartsdelight: yes?
sam_black64: do u rember me
dartsdelight: rember?
sam_black64: remember
dartsdelight: no I don't -and seeing as there isn't any information on your profile, how can you really expect me to?
sam_black64: thats true
sam_black64: well u were on one of my old lists and in my messege archive
sam_black64: and i think we last talked about 5or6 months ago
dartsdelight: alright, well a lot has happened since then -sorry -but I still don't remember you -or this screen name
sam_black64: well this is my new name
sam_black64: it was like jack_black416
dartsdelight: oh yes -now it rings a bell -the same one that messaged me a few minutes ago
sam_black64: yep thats when i was looking at my old names
dartsdelight: I see
sam_black64: so do u wana get to no me again or should i just leave u alone
dartsdelight: if you are who I think you are, you should probably just leave me alone -in case you forgot I can't stand atrocious spelling or grammar, and if I recall correctly you used to buzz me all of the time which pissed me off to no end
sam_black64: do what im a bad at spelling
dartsdelight: you're bad at doing a simple sentence
sam_black64: i no
dartsdelight: it's "know"
sam_black64: look you might be so fuckin perfect but im not
dartsdelight: I didn't say I was perfect -and hells bells -at least you can spell "fuckin"
sam_black64: well i swear alot
dartsdelight: oh that's good -get the cursing vocab down -that's a way to win my heart
sam_black64: well im slow does that mean dont swear
dartsdelight: yes, you are slow -and no -I wasn't telling you not to swear -I was merely pointing out the irony that you can spell "fucking" and not "a lot" or "know" or "remember" or "you" -thus, your emphasis has obviously not been on a classical education level, or even a common sense level, heck probably not even an "understanding and interpreting street signs" level -which truthfully, repels me.
sam_black64: wow u are perfrect
sam_black64: and yes i no you instead of u
dartsdelight: no -I am educated, I read books, I like being able to converse on a wide variety of topics in a competent manner. There is something of a difference between wanting to appear like you give a shit about how you present yourself and come across to others, and assuming that you're "perfect" as you call it. I am far from perfect.
sam_black64: you think im dumb
dartsdelight: now you're catching on
dartsdelight: like a straw house soaked with gasoline next to a crematorium
sam_black64: and yes my mum still calls me here special boy
dartsdelight: "here special boy" -what, she calls you like you're a dog?
sam_black64: how many freinds do u have
dartsdelight: enough -why?
dartsdelight: and it's "friends"
sam_black64: just a question
sam_black64: i have lots of friends because im a nice person and i dont take the piss out of them or show them up
dartsdelight: neither do I -my friends are all good people who I respect and love very much, so what's your point?
sam_black64: well do u treat all your freinds like how your treating me
sam_black64: or friends
dartsdelight: you are not my friend -therefore it stands to reason that I would not treat you the same.
sam_black64: i dont think il ever be your friend
dartsdelight: my heart is bleeding
dartsdelight: now -listen closely and the little ignore button is going to do her work.
Ah, memories.
Okay back to work for me, you deviants, miscreants and all things wicked and witty!!
Bedbugs XLV
Bedbugs XLV
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
There's only one way to settle this; put the camera away and remove
your glasses and talk to me without barriers. Sandpaper
memories ingrained in the broken mental track you're
still trying to push rusted carts on. Believing the
sun will still come up, she foraged ahead. Where is the
door in this wretched place? The hallway, I hear
has something in it that's been waiting a long time for you.
She shows up, love between 1 and 2 pm is better than none,
so I'm told. Faith ain't enough to stop your plunge when you
jump from one cliff to another. Your gravitational beliefs are
an override, you agreed to them first. Shells found outside
were precious, taking years for the water to reveal them. Will you
hear me if you put one up to an ear? There's keep him away from
my family, if you know what's special about metal under the surface of
grow a pair and show me, it blurts out. Not at high tide
I won't. I perceive a lighthouse out there, even though
its bulbs are broken; that place is miles away but I can see it.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-wrenched out of the muscle portion of his leg
-sewn lips shut, as not to cause
-texture of whatever you're thinking
-riots of ideas
-dialogue between you and the color
-sit down and answer the question
-repeating what you just said
-Adam Barnick
Monday, August 11, 2008
SWING VOTE by Frank Palmcoast
When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?
Frank Palmcoast RETURNS from agonizing knee replacement surgery to cast his vote on Kevin Coster's latest flick Swing Vote
As usual, nothing much happening at the movies. So instead of watching Matlock reruns, we saw Kevin Costner's newest picture and Costner's newest toupee! Many stars in this one: Dennis Hopper, Nathan Lane, Kelsey Grammer,Tucci, George Lopez, Judge Reinhold and many guest appearances like Willie Nelson, Richard Petty and by the way Petty looked like he died and they forgot to bury him! Without a doubt Madeline Carrol stole the entire movie! Governor Bill Richardson can't be to happy the way the movie shows that everyone in New Mexico lives in Mobile homes and that's not completely true, they also live in tents! It's hard to believe hollyweird allowed no violence, no sex, no nudity and no real vulgar language! I suppose this flick is a satire about our political system. Typically hollyweird presents the presumption that only liberals want world peace, a clean environment and a better economy for the poor. I believe this is a delightful movie and it should be seen by our current presidential candidates. The character that Costner plays, Bud is a felon and felons don't vote and also one man cannot determine the end results, only the electoral college can determine the outcome. This film does projects certain themes: drunkenness, child abuse and neglect, political waste, a sad commentary about America but true! We think we, America lead the free world and we have on of the lowest voter turnouts. We have been invaded by Mexico, we allowed an illegal war, our useless congress and government is running up the national debt by trillions of dollars, a very weeken dollar, stupid health care, the dumbing down of our education system and this movie was making fun of America and rightly so! This is a must if you want to see how George Bush got elected.If you are part of this dumbing down in America, don't go to see this picture---you may have to think! Swing Vote got my vote!
Palmcoast Returns
Dems Da Brakes (Episode 6)
Minimalist situation comedy/radio play.
Episode 6 "The Mole"
Samantha: Melissa King
George: Peter Rinaldi
The Upper West Side of Manhattan
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Boxpress Music Time Show with Brian Hughes
Show# 10: Songs from Woody Allen's Films. Brian plays a handful of songs from three Woody Allen films.
If you think you might want to listen to some more of my podcasts - please click below:
Friday, August 8, 2008
Bedbugs XLIV
Bedbugs XLIV
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
Nail gun surgery was the wisest alternative. Powder
found on trial again when all thoughts are scattered
and narrative fractured four black dresses match what
people we never dated were wearing and no matter
never mind it's snowing black ash inside and
out; get the children inside! Nobody reads this
or anything else. Will it be found by I volunteer to
take it even if I lose everything. Who is making
that sound? Shouldn't people be here? What on
earth is on my doorstep scratching at the wood?
Stay downstairs! Fractured thoughts you can still splinter
your hand on. Between the cracks, people shouldn't be here.
Pretentious run-ons won't fit on a business card. It's improving
in small increments.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-put the camera away
-sandpaper memories ingrained
-love between 1 and 2pm
-shells found outside
-keep him away from my family
-grow a pair and show me
-that place is miles away but I can see it
-Adam Barnick
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Better Living Through Absurdity
Six Word Theater
Six Word Theater
Click here for last week's entry.
Inspired by the challenge Hemingway undertook to tell a story
in six words("For Sale: baby shoes. Never worn."), I attempt
to polish my skills by telling a six-word story or phrase each
Feel free to "continue the story" or start your own.
Today's Entry:
Am I undecided?
Yes and no..
Six Word Theater will be taking a short vacation..
see you end of September!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Dems Da Brakes (Episode 5)
Minimalist situation comedy/radio play.
Episode 5 "Space Nerd"
Samantha: Melissa King
George: Peter Rinaldi
The Upper East Side of Manhattan
The BBF Interview: Writer/Director Nick Gaglia (part II)
The BBF Interview: Writer/Director Nick Gaglia (part II)
click here for part one of this interview.
Nick Gaglia knew he wanted to be a filmmaker since he was 11,
when he picked up a camera for the first time and wrote,
directed, and acted in his first short film. He was the
youngest kid in his theatre group and studied acting
at Professional Performing Arts School in Manhattan.
His personal life, however, started to deteriorate
when he got into drugs at age 13. Subsequently, his mother
checked him into an unregulated “tough love”
drug rehab(KIDS of North Jersey) that would change
his life forever. The rehab boasted of being the only place
in the world that could keep kids safe and sober, but what
really went on behind closed doors was quite the contrary;
corporal punishment, humiliation tactics, sleep and food
deprivation, false imprisonment, and mind control were
daily routines for Gaglia and group members.
After enduring the abuse for 2 ½ years, Gaglia escaped
the rehab and went on to study filmmaking at Hunter College.
After honing his skills with several short films, Gaglia made his first
narrative feature, Over the GW, based on his unique experience
in rehab. GW premiered at the 2007 Slamdance Film Festival,
where it was the first “under the radar” feature in the festival’s
13-year history to get a distribution deal after its first screening.
The film went on to play theatrically in New York, Los Angeles,
Chicago, and Maryland and was received with enthusiastic praise.
Click HERE for part one of this interview.
AB: How did you get released? And when/how
was the program stopped?
Nick Gaglia: The program got shut down in '98 I believe, then
went underground and still took place illegally in people's houses.
I escaped one day on the GW bridge on the way to a host home.
When did you reveal to people working on this that the film
was based in truth?
Besides Kether, I never told anyone it was based on me.
I wanted the work to be about the subject and the text
and not exactly about me. After the film came out I made a decision
to make it public that it was based on me because I wanted
audiences to know that this is a real issue that's going on
and not just some movie I made up. So I think when the cast read
all the press on the film that's when they actually found out
it was based on my story.
What has been the reaction at festivals and during your
theatrical run been like, for general audiences
and survivors who have come to see it?
The film has been incredibly well received, especially by survivors.
It's really interesting though, when a general audience member
sees the film they're like, 'wow, this must be the severely dramatized
version of what went on.' And when survivors see it they're like,
'I really love the film but that's the watered down version.'
So I always laugh. I did water it down because I felt it would be too
tough to watch if I went all the way with it.
Especially for survivors, with PTSD and all.
Private screening of GW in New York;
many survivors in attendance:
what we usually hear in low/no budget indies.
The music department was headed by John Presnell.
He was a supporter from very early on and brought on his crew
of talented musicians. Dale Chase was solely responsible for the
sound design. He's a one man army.
Was 2007 your first time at Slamdance?
How was the film received and that festival
experience overall?
2007 was my first time at Slamdance and I gotta say it was
one of the best experiences of my life! First off, when they say
you have to know someone to get into a big festival and it's
all political, that's bs when it comes to Slamdance. We submitted
a rough cut without knowing anyone on staff there
and they chose us based on the merit of our film.
After our first screening they had to stop our q & a because
it went on so long. And afterward I had a line out the door
of industry and various people wanting to speak with me.
And that's where we got approached for theatrical distribution
from Seventh Art. Afterward, I spoke with Dan Mirvish
(one of the festival founders) and he said that we were the first
'under-the-radar' narrative feature in the festival's 13-year history
to get offered a distribution deal after our very first screening.
How long did it take you to edit the film?
The editing was on-going as we shot the film. So, all in all,
it probably took about a year until we had picture lock.
That's mainly because we didn't shoot this in the traditional
way. We were very guerilla style in the sense that we shot
any free moment we had - nights, weekends, whenever,
until we finished.
Was the filmmaking process cathartic for the experience
you endured, or had you made piece with what had
happened to you before shooting? I found the film
surprisingly objective while still extremely personal.
The process was probably the most cathartic thing I've ever done.
On the 'objective' comment, I wanted to tell the story in the
least biased way possible and have the audience decide.
The details in the film were as it actually happened.
Tell us about the upcoming DVD release.
We were just picked up by Vanguard for DVD distribution.
Kether, George, and myself did a really fun commentary
together. It'll be available later on this year. And the soundtrack will
be available on iTunes this Fall.
What’s next for you as a director and/or writer?
I'm working on developing several projects right now.
One in particular is a documentary putting the teen
'tough-love' industry in context.
Please give us some words of wisdom.
All I can say is follow your passions no matter what.
That's all we have in this life.
"Over the GW" gets cited in a Congressional Hearing
on "Child Abuse and Deceptive Marketing by
Residential Programs for Teens."
-Adam Barnick
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Story Slice by Brian Hughes
The masseuse ducked her head back in and smiled:
“Okay … yes?”
“Yes, come in. I’m ready,” Arlen said, then exhaled, watching the masseuse’s feet moving to and fro from the face cutout in the bench. She placed a full-length towel over the backside of his body and began loosening his muscles by rubbing him from his feet to his calves to his ribs, on up to his shoulders and neck. After mustering up the proper chi, the masseuse unfurled the towel to just above his ass. Arlen closed his eyes as tranquil new age music emanated softly from two speakers sitting high above the room on shelves. The masseuse squeezed out massage oil into her hands then hovered her palms just below Arlen’s face in the cutout so that he might catch some aromatherapy. He liked it – a musky, tropical banana smell. Arlen liked bananas. He also liked the heat that existed between her hands and his body as she rubbed the back of his neck and shoulders. And with every tissue pressed and knot untied, he liked to imagine all the metaphoric cancers and muscle diseases and tumors being squeezed out of him. That with every session a force field of peace and goodness was taking reign over his body, a realm where no diseases could ever penetrate. It was the power of positive reinforcement and healing. Arlen couldn’t prove that it worked, but to his way of thinking, the mind was capable of so many powers as yet unknown to humans, that this was as good a technique as any in fighting the failures and frailties of the body. In his mind’s eye, he could see cancer cells wafting to the ceiling and popping like a child’s bubbles.
He groaned as the masseuse kneed a shoulder joint with her elbow. She giggled just then. Arlen thought that was cute. He wasn’t familiar with this particular gal. Her name was Mary. Yeah, right … if her name is Mary, then mine is Ming, he thought. “Ugggghhhh,” went Arlen as she giggled again. “Why are you giggling?” Mary just laughed again and said something under her breath in broken English that he couldn’t quite understand. She was a small woman, but the deep tissue massage she was dishing out, the strength and glorious force, made Arlen think that perhaps she was a goddess – the goddess “Masseuse” or something. Leaving him was the kidney failure, the arthritis, the Lou Gherig’s disease, the pancreatic cancer.
“You have nice, strong body,” Mary said.
“Thank you. I work out.”
“Yes, I can tell.” Mary laughed again as she began rubbing Arlen’s legs, moving up the thigh and skimming his ball sack. Arlen’s cock woke up. He didn’t like to get a hardon during a massage, though he was perfectly fine with it; but he liked to avoid it, so he began thinking about the company wide layoffs due in the spring, about his life insurance, about who would catch for the Yankees now that Posada was on the DL. Arlen kept the little guy at bay until she began working the other leg, continuing to giggle as she was moving up and down it. Why was she giggling so much? Can she see that I’m getting a woody? Maybe I didn’t wipe my ass well enough, he thought in a panic. No, that wasn’t it he thought – he had showered before he arrived.
“You’re so good! I’m really enjoying this.”
“Ummm, yeah … I can tell,” Mary said with a laugh.
Okay, she definitely knows I’m hard, Arlen thought. No doubt. All her giggling reminded him of one of those blooper shows where they show outtakes of an actress who keeps cracking up during a scene. It’s not very professional, he thought, but it’s making me more and more hard. She began working Arlen’s fingers.
“You married?”
“Yes I am.”
“Are you married?”
“Oh no! I would love to be married, but you taken.”
“Now, now … I know you must have lots of boyfriends with those magical hands of yours.”
“No … no… I wish, but no…” Mary continued to giggle.
As she lifted his leg up and stretched it, his penis began to swish against the table, causing it to stiffen slightly. Arlen tried to continue to stay focused on the massage, not that he was getting excited - concentrating further on his body, on his immune system, on his survival.
“You have nice build. Yes.”
“You have an attractive body as well. Why haven’t you found a nice man yet?”
She let out a guffaw, slapping her hands down on Arlen’s ass in exasperation.
“I not been lucky to find white collar man like yourself.”
“You don’t want a white collar man like myself. Oh, no … I’m no good.”
“Oh, yes … like you… yes…” she giggled again as she switched legs – his hardening cock pressing against his abdomen. Arlen would moan now and again – especially as she worked his thighs and calves, the last set of squats at the gym having really tore them up pretty good.
“You’re so good my Chinese flower … so good.”
“Ummm … yes, I can tell…” said Mary with a grin.
After she walked on his back, pressing her toes deep into his spine, after she had elbowed everything into pure bliss, it was time for Mary to work the front of his torso. Arlen happily turned over – hardly shy to expose his large erection. Mary snuck a look and placed the towel over his center region. She started scrubbing his head, digging her fingernails into his scalp – it was his least liked part of the session, but there was a glutton for punishment deep inside Arleb that prevented him from telling her to stop: He just squeezed his teeth together and imagined brain cancer being rubbed out like a Brillo pad working out the grease on a stove. After a thorough massage of his feet, arms and legs, she ran her hands across his hairless, muscular chest, and moved down his torso just far enough to knick the head of his penis. Arlen was tenser now that the session was near completion than when he had entered the room.
“You know Mary, it’s tough … and, you know, I’m sorry that I’m, you know,” Arlen said gesturing to his erect shaft. She giggled once more, throwing her hands in front of her eyes in a playful motion. “And you know,” Arlen continued, “it’s a muscle and all, and it is left to just … to just be there, ya know.” He shook his head and sighed. The massage was over and Mary handed Arlen his robe. Arlen slowly put it on, making sure to give Mary one last look before she exited the room. She did look again, and smiled.
Arlen and his wife, Doris, sat on large comfy chairs in the rest area, eating fruit and enjoying the ambiance of lit candles and small, manmade waterfalls. Arlen needed terribly to go home and fuck Doris – he was frustrated, chewing up pineapple – brooding on his massage.
“I’m more tense now that the massage is over than when I went in.”
Doris was a former Houston, Texas beauty pageant runner up. Her body was still firm, but her face was collapsing under a canopy of large blonde hair.
“Because she was touching me near my penis and she was giggling.”
“I bet you enjoyed it. There is such a double standard in this world.”
“Actually … I didn’t enjoy it.”
“If a guy had done something like that to me, you would have gotten angry at the guy and probably at me!”
“I didn’t like it, I said.”
“You should say something, that’s very unprofessional AND I think illegal.”
“Yeah, well …”
Mary the massager brought a tray of juices over to Arlen and Doris, smiling.” They gave her a dirty look. “I’m not thirsty,” Arlen said.
“Say something,” Doris said. Arlen remained mum. Mary walked away – confused.
“I knew you wouldn’t say something – just like you. You probably loved it, that’s why you won’t say anything.”
“I tell you, that is not true. It made me very uncomfortable.”
“So uncomfortable that you won’t say anything.”
After Arlen and Doris had dressed, they walked up to the front to pay for their massages. Doris began putting her shoes on. Arlen looked frustrated as he handed his credit card to the squeaky clean Asian boy manning the front desk.
“Will you be paying for both, sir?”
“Yes – and … let me tell you, I find this establishment to be very unprofessional and highly distasteful. My massager, ‘Mary’ I believe her name was, kept massaging near my private area, making me very uncomfortable. I don’t know what she was expecting, but I asked her repeatedly to stop and she wouldn’t hear it. I don’t know if she could understand English or something, but I was very put off.”
“That is terrible Sir. I can assure you, we are not one of those establishments.”
“Well, I think you had better have a talk with ‘Mary’ – or can her ass, because she can get arrested for stuff like that? If she thinks I’m a ‘John’ – she has another thing coming.”
“Please fell free to write our Manager, she is not working today, and I’m sure she will take care of the situation. I am very sorry sir; we will not charge you for your session. I am very, very sorry.”
Arlen continued on like that for another minute or two as he put on his three hundred dollar pair of shoes.
“I’m very proud of you,” Doris said, hugging Arlen around as they left.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Bedbugs XLIII
Bedbugs XLIII
Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.
Click here for last week's Bedbugs.
"I'm disappointed in you," the artificial box says, attached to
the machine pretending to be my wife. I'd turn it off but
what's the use? Another distraction is at the door; the decay
has left three holes in the floor; none of which anyone can fit through.
The moment has been prepared for. I'm giving up on you.
And this time I mean it. No matter man in white on the top of it
must be pretending to be God; well, SOMEBODY has to.. I'll
shut it out. Anything that could change us into what we should
or want to be. 44 years of denial- one day, who's going
to reach this and lay in the field, as they add color and sirens
of the aural and flesh-covered kind. I need one to lie down here.
Make me wait for anything real? Sadly someone, if not the entire
population, will. The phone in her head won't stop ringing.
I snicker at the potential punchline.
Exactly four years ago things sucked but were proclaimed 'the good
old days.' Breaking a glass, the third man carves 'this is all
a waste of time' into the wall. It oozes sap, bleeding like he can't.
Turning, smiling, two rows of teeth on top and bottom. Knowing
Dad's health is improving is a fine wish. But even if everyone gets it
together, she might not. Can't wait for you forever.
Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:
-on trial again
-four black dresses
-nobody reads this or anything else
-I volunteer to take it
-shouldn't people be here
-people shouldn't be here
-it's improving in small increments