Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angels and Demons by Frank Palmcoast


When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?


Our senior film critic is back and eager to sink his dentures into all things "Hollyweird." This week - Angels and Demons, the prequel to The DaVinci Code, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard.


Should be retitled, "Silence of the Lambs Meets Jesus"! This movie was waaaaay to long but don't wait too long to see it because it won't be in theaters that long. One might ask oneselves, is the book better than the picture but on the other hand would you prefer to die in a pool or in the ocean"? This flick deals with religion and I must say, it's godawful. Tom Hanks plays Professor Langdon with less passion than the scenery. This movie is a bad version of National Treasure with a Catholic twist.Before anyone gets there cassocks in a twist, since this movie takes place in the Vatican, I must confess I did not read the book. What's with the bags under Hank's eyes, perhaps he should consult with Joan Rivers and find out who are plastic surgeon is. I liked Tom's hair better in "Cast Away".The best part of this movie was watching the trailer of "The Taking of Pelham 1,2,3" and bathroom breaks during this movie are not only allowed but encouraged. The basic problem with this Angels and Demons is in order to get to the final forty minutes you have to endure the first ninety minutes and I consider that cruel and unusual punishment!
The Palmcoast is back!

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