Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bedbugs LIX

Bedbugs LIX

Click here for an explanation of how Bedbugs is created.

Click here for last week's Bedbugs.

Despite the excitement the past lingers and bubbles
and boils, peaking above the surface just long enough
to sting. Knowing I can't remember the two ways she smiles
won't shut the music off. Only self-guided will, unfiltered.
The Knowledge Base. Ideas that change the world are
useless at the bottom of an unread book or an unspoken
tongue. Animated next to me is simply a creative essence
with a deadline. Fuck that, I'm leaving. Will find a new world
to start over in. Because drive two hours for fun was actually a
nice way to spend the day. That smile made it all worth it don't
respond to the office insult we used to be there for each other
and made sure the night ended on an up note. Now the easiest
way to fall asleep is to count the days since you called for
a reason other than "I need something." The call back to reality
was a strong one and I accepted the charges like an imbecile.
When Winter warms and goals thaw I'll start anew and
rekindle something before I try to forget.
I know I won't, but it's on the goal sheet.
Miles of ambition, nothing changed again.

Next week's seven phrases/groups of words:

-you can get there too
-do the hell out of the footwork
-easier than you think, she said
-master of which level they're on
-floors creaked and walls groaned
-time off to leave your mind
-miss you more than I let on

-Adam Barnick

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