When he's not watching, with beads of sweat, his fellow, legally blind, senior citizens parallel park, Frank Palmcoast is catching seven dollar movies at the local multiplex from sunny Pompano Beach, Florida. He's retired, he's angry at the world, he can't spell to save his life, and he hates Hollywood almost as much as Hillary Clinton, but that will not stop our irreverent, dementia fightin', AARP card carrying everyman from giving us a fresh take on all things Hollyweird. Besides, how can he pass up that marvelous senior citizen discount?
Palmcoast ventures into very unchartered territory - India of all places!!!! Let's see what our senior reviewer has to say about the sleeper hit of 2008.
Slumdog Millionaire is a Million Dollar winner. The male lead Jamal Malik is the new Forest Gump.Bollywood meets Hollywood. I'm thinking of changing Hollyweird to Toiletwood.This flick simply stated is Oliver Twist and Great Expectations revolving around a TV show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire unfortunately without Regis. Having seen the road conditions in Mumbai, I'll never complain about traffic conditions in America. This picture is exiting and suspenseful right till the very end.If any one has spoiled kids, take them to see this flick and show them how much of the third world kids live. After seeing Bombay, Pompano Beach is looking REAL GOOD! At times, Jamal and Latika reminded me of Stalone and Aaaaaaadrian. Before seeing this film Grand Torino was my choice but for me Slumdog Millionaire is a SLUMDUNK for Best Picture of The Year. Yes, Yes for Oscar and that's my final answer!
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