Monday, January 14, 2008

Journey To Published (2)

This video blog will chart the progress Brian Hughes will be making to get his novel The Boxpress Manifesto published.

Here's Part 2 of the journey ...

Go here to visit Part (1) of the series.


Thérèse said...

I'm so excited about this! I think the two book thing is great -especially because as you said you can flesh out more things that perhaps got a bit compressed. And spending time in the bookstores is a good idea too! I was interested in the part where you discuss comparing your book to another -which I think is hard for anyone who's creative because we hate thinking that we've done something that's already been done -but as you mention with borrowing from older films, I suppose we all do borrow from other elements. I would suggest if you haven't read it that you pick up a copy of Thurber's The Secret Life of Walter Mitty -an older book but one that really delves into the flights of fantasy aspect -one of my personal favorites!

Oh and the background music makes me happy -glad to know I'm not the only one who feels "generation-less" -or as I call it, being an anachronistic dame (in your case, guy). Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Brian Hughes said...

Thanks for your comment. I have heard that with books and movies, agents/producers...whutevah.... want to see what you have right away ... so if I said my book was The Fuck Up meets Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Mainetenance, they would get it, probably ..I hate to categorize my book in this way, but if I want to land in the "H's" in Fict Lit at B&N, I have to play the game of the beast. I know in the deepest part of my heart that I have created something original. I have to trust in that.

I have always felt like there was no major movement, no major thing happening in my generation. I call my generation "the great distraction" in my book because of how great the distractions have increased in our world: ipods, video games, 2000 channels, etc... maybe THAT'S our generation ... hahahaha.
But, as always, we can't blame anything for what we are not doing or becoming. The answer is always inside, if we look deeply.

Thanks for the recommendation.