Thursday, January 24, 2008


I went to Atlantic City today

right off the cuff, and I
ate a grinder at Subway
and proceeded to Trump Towers and Caesar's.

Well Caesar's has only old people
trying to gamble away old age
and I felt sad and empty for them-
but they don't feel sad and empty- they feel pleasure.

So I followed a couple-a killers
to the boardwalk- the fake town façades-
and noticed the dune-grass was
uniformly planted- but nevertheless acheived
its oceanic affect.

I wanted to find a perfect shell,
but it isn't the seagull's priority
and I am on their turf.

This man I avoided when I
bolted into the ocean came upon me after and
I was annoyed. Exposed. Violated. I
didn't know what to say and he
couldn't say much so we mentioned our
shell-seeking and then I escaped.

Well he brought me over a perfect sky-
blue and grey conch and boy was I
embarrassed. Humbled. But excited. It washes
nice. I would give it to you, Val, but
it serves better as a reminder for me.

Besides I like it too much.

by: Mary Wyatt Matters

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