This week ... Frank is anything but shy in giving his point of view of Vantage Point.

Vantage Point was a big disadvantage! I am sure glad we had free tickets because this flick should have been made for TV. This could have had an interesting story line but the story became tedious and the 90 minutes became a weak. I memorized the Spanish Mayor,s speech after seeing it repeated a half dozen times. Repeating the same basic scenes over and ever became boring. The cast was OK: Sigorney Weaver as a cool news producer had a VERY short role; John Hurt played a president well and I thought that Trees Whitaker played an American tourist very well and believable. All the main characters repeat their rolls like a bad burrito!. The ending doesn't pay off and it leaves the audience with more unanswered questions than the Warren Commission. Never mind assassinating the president they should have assassinated the movie!
Frank Palmcoast's SELECTED OSCAR picks for 2007
As the senior Movie and Music critic for the Palmaire Gazette I must approach my selections from a PROFESSIONAL view. Having said that I must also note that in my humble opinion, three GREAT and NOT nominated films were omitted for consideration! Namely, Rambo, Wild Hogs and the blockbuster, Witless Protection. Best Actor---will go to DDL for the "There will be Blood or better known as "There will Be Boring'! I believe and enjoyed Johnny Depp and his excellent performance in Sweeney Todd and he proved once again his multi talents. Best Director will go to the Coen's who don't even know how to spell there names. Best Movie will go to "No Country For Old Men and it proved it was no picture for old men because we all walked out totally disappointed with another terrible ending! Best Supporting should go to Josh Brolin because Streisand has been supporting him for years! We saw La Vie En Rose but it was only about an actress who was imitating Judy Garland and her speaking English was terrible and who gives a rats ass for the French! I never go see a Chic flick so that choice is rather difficult for me. As far as best song, there hasn't been a good song since Chariots of Fire and generally I am never impressed with the music worlds feeble attempts at this medium.

As the senior Movie and Music critic for the Palmaire Gazette I must approach my selections from a PROFESSIONAL view. Having said that I must also note that in my humble opinion, three GREAT and NOT nominated films were omitted for consideration! Namely, Rambo, Wild Hogs and the blockbuster, Witless Protection. Best Actor---will go to DDL for the "There will be Blood or better known as "There will Be Boring'! I believe and enjoyed Johnny Depp and his excellent performance in Sweeney Todd and he proved once again his multi talents. Best Director will go to the Coen's who don't even know how to spell there names. Best Movie will go to "No Country For Old Men and it proved it was no picture for old men because we all walked out totally disappointed with another terrible ending! Best Supporting should go to Josh Brolin because Streisand has been supporting him for years! We saw La Vie En Rose but it was only about an actress who was imitating Judy Garland and her speaking English was terrible and who gives a rats ass for the French! I never go see a Chic flick so that choice is rather difficult for me. As far as best song, there hasn't been a good song since Chariots of Fire and generally I am never impressed with the music worlds feeble attempts at this medium.
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